Friday, February 10, 2012

Full Moon...setting

Wednesday morning when I left for work, I caught a glimpse of the full moon floating very low in the Western sky.  I drove into a parking lot wondering if I could catch a shot before it sank from view.  This would have been better with a different camera and a tripod but, it isn't bad.


  1. It's a good one. Always tricky to get a good photo of the moon without a tripod.

  2. Great shot. I've NEVER been able to get a good shot of the moon, even with a good camera and a tripod.

  3. not bad, not bad at'all!

    I really like this one.

  4. Excellent shot, made even more remarkable by the circumstances.

  5. Without a tripod, Sharon? Not bad at all, I would say an excellent shot!
    I do not have such a steady hand...

  6. Actually, it is excellent. I've never, ever been able to get a good moon shot without a tripod to I give you credit!

  7. Heck no it's not bad at all - in fact it's pretty darn excellent. I think you could take a good photo no matter what kind of camera you had.

  8. Not bad?? Sharon, I think it is a terrific spur-of-the-moment capture. Nothing at all wrong with it!

  9. It is a great shot! Last night, the moon coming up was gorgeous. I spent too much time just enjoying it and lost my window of opportunity to take a picture. I would definitely need to use a tripod. Happy Friday! :)

  10. When a scene like that presents itself, you have to take advantage of it, even if you have the wrong camera! It turned out great! I like those wispy clouds in front.

  11. An excellent image, hand held with the moon at such low light? tricky?
    Well done on this

  12. Great composition and color. It can be the exhibition winner, if any.

  13. Great capture. I saw that same moon on the highway heading to work this week. When I found a parking lot, I couldn't see the moon.

  14. No doubt that the natural light is far more romantic than the artificial light! :-)

  15. Not bad at all Sharon, a great mix of shape silhouettes caught in that eerie disappearing moonlight.

  16. Hi Sharon, I love this, a perfect blue sky.
