Thursday, February 2, 2012

Art Show

Some of my photographs will be in an art show in downtown Phoenix beginning on Friday.  I've mentioned before that I belong to an "art challenge" group and we meet once a month during the summer months.  Each month we have a new challenge to create a piece of art based the subject that is given by one of the members, each in turn.  Last year, we had a showing of our work at the Shemer Art Gallery and this year we are showing the summer of 2011 work at First Studio, 631 N First Avenue in Phoenix.  If you are in the area, please stop by.  The show will be open this Friday (first Friday) from 6:00 to 9:00 and again on third Friday, February 17th.
In the photo above, you can see three of my pieces, the two roses and way to the left top, one that I actually had on my site last summer.  The fuel storage tank with the stairs going up and the great shadows.

One more of my pieces is in this photo, the lamp post with the sun behind it.

There are almost 100 pieces in the entire show and there are works from photographers, painters, sculptors, print makers, and more.

If you are in the area, I'd love to see you there.


  1. I only wish I could be there Sharon. Your photographic entries look absolutely stunning. The lamp post is brilliant. Maybe when the exhibition is over we could see them full on, that would be great. Well done and congratulations

  2. Julie and I will be there (as we are two fellow members of the group.)

    I enjoyed hanging the art for the show with you. And I enjoy the fact that I was with you when you took the lamp post photo -- in the Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires!

    The studio is called First Studio because the building was the first TV studio in Phoenix, visited by dignitaries interviewed while in Phoenix, including Harry Truman, Willie Mays, and many more.

  3. What a great group! Congratulations on the inclusion of some of your stunning photographs. Like brattcat, perhaps next year!!

  4. Congratulations...those pics look amazing. I'll try to make it. I'd love to meet you!

  5. Looking forward to First Friday tomorrow evening.

  6. What a neat idea and congratulations to all in the group! I don't know...maybe Tracy and I might find our way down there. :)

  7. Sounds like a fun event and thrilled for you to be showing your beautiful photos.

  8. Pretty cool, Sharon. And you got three pieces in the show! Great.

  9. Your part of First Friday! I miss that monthly event and I wish I there for this one. Make sure to take some crowd shots. Congratulations! I am actually thinking of coming down for the Art Detour weekend.

  10. Great photo's! Good luck with First Friday. I used to have my art displayed at the Red Dog Gallery. There's always a great turn out and with the weather being so nice I'm sure you're art will draw a large crowd.

  11. Have a great time Sharon!
    I would have come...

  12. Wonderful! Magpie and I may just have to take a short road trip!

  13. Wish I had gotten the chance to zip by and see while I was in town.
