Sunday, January 1, 2012

Theme Day: Photo of the Year 2011

This year I had a very hard time choosing my photo of the year.  I had so many that I liked very much.  In the end I chose the one that was my favorite.  I think the light was perfect on the subject and the colors just pop on the photo.  I posted this one last April when all the cactus were in bloom.

Click the link below to see all of the photos of the year from all of the City Daily Photo Bloggers.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. I love the soft tones of the colors, a wonderful picture, Sharon! Happy new year!

  2. I can see why you chose it Sharon, the colours work so well together and the muted background make them stand out so vibrantly.

  3. Good choice, Sharon. It's beautiful! happy New Year!

  4. Glorious flowers. I particularly love the colour of the red flower and the texture. Beautiful! Wishing you a very happy new year Sharon and many thanks for your visits and comments over the year. So much appreciated. xxx

  5. a wonderful choice, sharon. happy 2012.

  6. Like all great close ups, I feel like I can reach out and touch it... have a fabulous 2012.

  7. Oh, yes, Sharon! This photo literally pops out on the portal. The composition is terrific and the colors are splendid!

  8. Sharon this is a fabulous photo for this Theme Day. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year

  9. such pretty flowers and color! Good choice, Sharon!

  10. This is a beautiful photo Sharon. The flowers remind me of fireworks!

    I have been away for a bit, but just wanted to drop by and wish you a very happy new year!!!

  11. Good choice, Sharon, wonderful colors and composition.
    Happy New Year!

  12. It looks like out of a magazine! Nice one! Happy new year Sharon!

  13. Great color and detail. Best wishes for the new year.

  14. What a hopeful, happy choice! Beautiful. Here's wishing you all the best in 2012, Sharon!

  15. What a wonderful choice. I do love the colors in this shot. Here's to another year of great photos!

  16. Excellent choice Sharon! Happy New Year!

  17. It's absolutely gorgeous, and a nice image to take into the new year. Have a happy one!

  18. I hope you have this framed and hanging on your wall. It is spectacular! Magnificent colors!

  19. Happy 2012! Thank you so much for this choice. These flowers are the essence of life.

  20. That is really pretty, Sharon. The colors and the lighting are perfect. Enjoy this new year.

  21. I have to say that this photo is absolutely gorgeous - the colours, the sharpness and the very well balanced composition make it very remarkable. Congratulations and happy new year.

  22. Gorgeous color and texture. It definitely expresses the land that I love.

  23. Great choice, Sharon, it's a gorgeous shot! Best wishes for 2012.

  24. It's a beautiful photo! I love the contrasting colors of the flowers, your composition and the nice, sharp focus of the whole thing, something I never seem able to accomplish.
