Monday, January 2, 2012

After the Fiesta Bowl Parade

I have to admit, I didn't go to the Fiesta Bowl Parade on New Year's Eve.  But, I did go to one of the staging areas immediately following the parade to see what I could see.  The staging area closest to me was where all the various horse groups had gathered.  I asked this man for a photo of him and his beautiful horse and he kindly obliged.  He is a member of the U.S. Marshal's Posse!  This was quite a large team as there were horses all around me when I snapped this shot.


  1. How fun! glad you got the opportunity.

  2. Gorgeous !! I see these scenes in the movies only.

  3. Good choice. You got to see some of the participants up close and personal rather than having to be involved in the parade crowd.

  4. This marshal and his horse look like this photo could have been taken 100 years ago. If placed in a desert setting, a black and white photo of this guy and horse could look like a vintage photo.

    Your sister in Prescott will love this horse.

  5. I enlarged it and so glad I did. The horse's coat looks positively burnished. The marshall is young and almost as handsome as his horse!!

  6. Very nice shot! The guy has a big smile too. Looks like he might have been ready to unsaddle when you approached him so it's a good thing you got there when you did.

  7. The Marshal's posse you say Sharon, sounds like something out of the wild, wild west haha! Beautiful horses.

  8. All saddled up and raring to give chase!

  9. I heard that the parade was really good this year. Nice shot. Love the horse.

  10. What a happy looking guy and beautiful horse!

  11. What great fun. And it's a great pic of a gorgeous critter and a posse member.

    I remember one year we went to the staging area in Pasadena, California after the Rose Parade. That was a blast, too!

  12. Fascinating. Looks like it was shot in Technicolor.

  13. This would have been fun to see, Sharon. It looks like a scene from a hundred years ago.

    I am in front of my TV, waiting for the start of the Fiesta Bowl game. Andrew Luck of Stanford is a great college quarterback and a good, bright guy. I saw him once before and want to see his last college game.

  14. I always think it's better to watch everyone getting ready. Great photo!
