Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Look Closely

You will have to look closely at this photo to see what I saw out of the corner of my eye.  Do you see that hummingbird near the agave bloom?  It was one of those moments when I had the wrong lens on the camera and no time to change it.  I just swung around and took the shot and hoped for the best.  I was surprised that I could see the birds brightly colored head and the incredibly fast motion of his wings.


  1. He must have been attracted to the agave blossom because it matched the color of his head. Great capture. Too bad animals do not give advance notice of their arrival so that we can get the lens and exposure set up properly beforehand.

  2. like trying to photograph fairies. this is a wonderful capture.

  3. Oh I love it Sharon, as Brattcat says, there's something magical about this colourful little bird, beautiful image.

  4. That is so cool! I thought it was a pink spot on the pot at first sight.

  5. Super shot even without the lens you preferred. Love the motion of the wings.

  6. Astounding! This is really a surprise capture....

  7. If it weren't for his bright pink head, I would have missed him! Gosh, sometimes you have to be so quick.

  8. Oh, wow, that is amazing! I didn't realize what I was looking at until you told me. Love it!

  9. You must live right. This is priceless! You even got the motion of the wings!

  10. I knew something was there and makes sense it was a hummingbird. Still a great photo even with wrong lens.

  11. This is FABULOUS! What a fantastic capture with the aloes, the pot and, of course, the cutest bird ever!
