Sunday, January 29, 2012


I went to another Phoenix Sun's Basketball game a few days back and it gave me an opportunity to snap a night shot of the front of the US Airways arena where they play.  I took this almost 2 hours before the game started so there wouldn't be thousands of people standing in the plaza.


  1. It looks like it's a very impressive arena, love the curved signage on the facade.

  2. The Suns are having a rough season. It appears that you will be able to get a photo with no one in it when it is time for the playoffs.

  3. Its name must mean that US Airways paid a large chunk of money for the building? I think that I prefer the old order of naming the buildings after a deserving adult who made a contribution of some kind to the community. Our former Hubert Humphrey athletic dome, for example, has been renamed; Not nice!

  4. Go Suns! I like their travel jerseys with just the PHX on the front. Cool, I think.

  5. The calm before the storm hey Sharon, is that an 'air of expectancy' I feel here in this shot!!

  6. What dedication! Being there early paid off because this is a great night shot.

  7. I have been there for a game myself. Amazing that you got the shot with no people.

  8. Dave's comment made me laugh.
    Now I am wondering what you did for two hours, waiting for the game to start.

  9. Dedication to your blog for sure - getting there 2 hour early for a good shot!!

  10. You did well and your commitment to good photography is admirable! I'd guess you took a few other photos during that two hours which you will be posting in the near future, right? :-)

  11. I give you lots of credit for being able to sit through a Suns game these days! That's a very nice night photo though. You must have used a tripod. Or did you? I like it.

  12. How fun to have a pro basketball team. Great photo!

  13. Another fine night shot, Sharon.

  14. I am having a bad time thinking about all the things I am already missing...
    Go Suns!

  15. Great night shot and perspective!
