Thursday, November 3, 2011


I was waiting outside the door of the Hillstone Restaurant for a friend to arrive and watching the koi in the pond by the door.  I wondered if I could get a photo since it was dark out side and the pond was lit from below.  I whipped out the little point and shoot camera and gave it a try and was amazed at the result.  I could even see the stones in the bottom.


  1. Gosh that's a great shot Sharon, I know how hard it is to take this kind of picture, I've tried! Nice work indeed!

  2. The koi fish in the outdoor water feature at the place where we stay in Newport Beach in he summer sometimes fall victim to a bird of prey. I hope these koi stay safe.

  3. I've never been able to take picture of koi even in normal conditions. Good job!

  4. Serendipity again! A truly lovely photo and a great example of why one should always carry a camera. I like that light reflection, too!

  5. Oh yes, they are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love it when something works out this well. Great shot!

  7. I like this shot very much - and it so funny I was looking at these very fish the other night wondering if I could make an image like one I saw a couple of weeks ago with the same subject matter.

  8. That is the great thing about digital photography. If the shot didn't work, just delete it! I can remember when using the 35mm SLR seeing something and trying to decide if it was "film worthy". You might have missed this pretty shot if that were the case.

  9. Judy is exactly right. Nice photo.

  10. Great shot of the Koi from a 'not-so-coy' photographer!!!

  11. Really good results, it's not easy to take such pictures.

  12. This came out splendid. They have such vibrant colors. Loved your post from yesterday. Good news for the animals.

  13. I think your photo is great. I've tried to photograph koi and was disappointed with the results.

  14. It works really well! I like how they were coming up to pose for you.

  15. sometimes point and shoot it's the give you the best result is some situations and this is one of this

  16. They photographed beautifully. The rocks too.

  17. Point and shoot? Don't leave home without it! I used to have mine in my pocket wherever I went, but a year ago I got a nice DSLR and after a while I stopped carrying the little guy. Recently I found myself missing interesting shots, so it has gone back in my pocket again. Love your koi.
