Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hero Awards

Last Saturday night my good friend David treated me to a wonderful event called the Hero Awards.  The event is a benefit for the Friends of Animal Care & Control and they honor animals who have been rescued from shelters and gone on to live amazing and loving lives.  The stories were very inspiring and what made the event even more fun were the many dogs and cats that joined the guests in the Grand Ballroom of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel.  The hotel chef prepared a meal full of surprises right down to this clever dessert plate.  Topping each table with a round of astro-turf was an inspired addition to the decor.  All in all, it was a fantastic event and a great opportunity for this group to continue their good work to provide spay/neuter assistance and to rescue unwanted animals and get them to loving homes. Ruff Ruff Meow Meow!


  1. What a terrific event! If only we had been there! We are huge supporters of animal rescue groups. We have been involved one way or another for years; you'll love the post I've scheduled for Saturday.

  2. They do a could job, great they were treated with such an event.

  3. Nice event. i am not familiar with it. Saturday night we had went to the major fundraising concert and dinner for the Phoenix Symphony, with the Dinner in the ballroom at Civic Plaza connected to Symphony Hall. They had the Valley Youth Theater Glee Choir and a Scottsdale Community College Jazz ensemble performing outside Symphony Hall and in the lobby reception area before and after the concert to add to the festivities.

    And the concert featured Kenny Rogers along with the Phoenix Symphony.

  4. Yummy dessert. And surely you took pictures of some of the animals!

  5. Lovely display in front of you and what a great cause it is.

  6. I love it. I am involved with a group that rescues animals.

  7. Was the doggy biscuit for you or a four legged friend you might have brought? Too cute!

  8. What a fantastic organization Sharon, such a deserving cause,love the idea that the animals got to come in and enjoy the festivities. Love to hear about things like this, restores my faith in people.

  9. I love this! That must have been so much fun. What did the dog bone taste like?

  10. What fun. I so love events where everyone has put in a lot of effort. This is certainly a winner.

  11. Sounds like great fun and I bet the animals enjoyed all the attention too!

  12. The various rescue groups around here do good work too, as does out local animal shelter.

    So nice you could attend this event. Kudos to David! Love that dessert plate!

  13. I remember this event from my days at the ASPCA/Animal Welfare League.

  14. What a great cause. There are so many animals that never find a home.
