Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fashion Statement

One morning on my way to work I was waiting at a traffic light and noticed this young lady approaching the crosswalk.  I thought her attire was such an interesting combination.  Fortunately my camera was handy for a quick shot through the windshield.  I'm probably just jealous because there is no way I could wear those shorts.


  1. That is sure a statement, did she go to work too?

  2. Amazing; even if I could, I doubt that I would.

  3. She has more on her feet than she does on her butt!

  4. She looks great! Kathy's comment made me smile. :-)

  5. That IS an interesting combination! Not something you'd see every day...

    Arnab Majumdar

  6. This looks like Camelback and 44th Street. There is a big racquet and health club about two blocks away. Maybe she is walking there, as it looks like she might spend some time on the step climber. She doesn't look like she is dressed for work on a weekday morning, unless she is an aerobics instructor at the club.

  7. We used to call those "hot pants" didn't we? Well, she has the legs for it.

  8. If you needed to stop traffic, you could put her out in the intersection (or anywhere near it, for that matter!)...nice slice-of-Phoenix-life!

  9. I must say that she does the outfit justice!

  10. The thing that really cracks me up is that it is the middle of November - it's snowing and storming so many places. This is why I love living in AZ.

  11. A little bit summer, a little bit winter--best of both worlds AZ has to offer--awesome capture, I'm always afraid to whip out my camera on people I don't know--but it looks like she was on a mission !

  12. If you've got it, flaunt it. I might need to study this photo more carefully . . .

    I'm taking a trip in a couple of weeks. If I can get internet service, I will try to boost your country count.

  13. Wow, quite the outfit. she is carrying a bottle of water so she must be working out.

  14. "She's got legs!
    She knows how to use them..."

  15. I'm thinking she's a little proud of those legs...with obvious reason.
