Thursday, November 17, 2011


While driving around last Sunday, I encountered this Union Pacific train crossing the tracks in the warehouse area of downtown Phoenix.  I wasn't expecting to see trains but it turns out I saw two of them that morning.


  1. I would much rather see a couple of trains than to have hundreds of trucks on the highways. Too bad there is not good passenger rail service out West any more.

  2. nice the way you've caught this, sharon, with the brick in the background.

  3. The colors look great!

  4. In my childhood trains were ubiquitous. Now, one hardly ever sees them. It's always a joy when they come by. I love trains. And I love this shot!

  5. Who would have thought that trains would become scarce. I like the way you've captured the train with the building in the back. It reminds me of a picture I took in Quincy.

  6. I believe I have a pic of this one going through San Tan Valley.

  7. I love trains. There's something wistful and romantic about their whistles. The warehouse in the back ground is quite eye-catching too.

  8. I would also love to see a pic of that lovely building behind the train! Sundays are a good day to go into this area as I recall.

  9. Nice capture Sharon, bright yellow train, and is that what you call a 'shadow shot' on the building behind...two for the price of one yeh!

  10. I love trains, and love that building in the background.

  11. I love how you caught it against the old building!

  12. The yellow train is pretty cool, but I especially like the faded signs on the brick wall.
