Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Sign that Fall is here

When you live in the desert you have to look for signs of fall because they aren't always as obvious as they are in other climates.  One sure sign is the arrival of pumpkins.  I spotted this man carrying two large one's to the car.  I bet there will be jack-o-lanterns in his future.


  1. If you see orange in the desert and it's NOT in the sky, know that fall is here!.....I totally get your drift ;)

  2. He's got a real armful there Sharon, there will be much pumpkin carving going on over there I bet!

  3. So true!! I'm really enjoying making some new dishes out of all the fall squash in the stores.

  4. Nice. In case you are wondering, not seeing signs of fall is good. Fall means it is getting cold, the trees will soon be bare, and winter with snow, ice and cold, is not far behind.

  5. He got a spare one in case he makes a mistake on the first one? All I can think of now is pie!

  6. The cold air is our sure sign that fall is here and there is worse to come!

  7. Yup! Betcha he's got kids who love to carve up pumpkins.

    Did you ever wonder where the word, "pumpkin" came from? It's really a strange word when you think about it!


  8. I bet there are trick or treaters in his near future.

  9. I saw a woman in a store yesterday with two HUGE ones in her cart, even larger than these. I said "Looks like you have some carving to do."

  10. Boy, that is the truth. I miss Fall more than anything!

  11. Interesting technique Sharon. That's a pretty big pumpkin on the left.

  12. Neat picture! Someones going to have fun carving these.

  13. I love halloween - and this image reminds me of when I lived in Pennsylvania. You are right, very few clues as to when falls meets the desert.

  14. Either pumpkins or pies. Perhaps both.
