Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today I pay tribute to New York with a photo that was taken at least 12 to 15 years ago.  I have a panoramic version of this photo that sits on my desk at home.  I put it there 10 years ago and it's been there ever since.

Ten years ago today, I was in San Francisco.  I flew in the day before and was there to pack up the temporary apartment that I used while working a contract in the city.  The contract had ended the week before.  I woke to my usual radio program and the sound of familiar voices filled my ears.  Within a matter of seconds, I realized those voices were not reporting a normal story but describing real time events and the edge in their voices told me it was serious.  I leapt out of bed and ran to the living room to turn on the TV.  From that point on, the day was filled with horror and disbelief and the crushing feeling of sadness and fear.

I remember that evening a good friend and I decided to get together.  As I walked across the city to meet her at her apartment, the absolute stillness of a city otherwise consumed with activity and noise was an eerie reminder that something devastating to the whole nation had happened that day.


  1. I was at home in front of a computer with no internet access when a family member told me that a plane had crashed into a building in New York. I remember asking if someone had been hurt. Ten minutes later I decided to turn on the TV to see what had happened. The world changed that day.

  2. Nice picture, takes on a new meaning after 9/11 ... God Bless all those who suffered that fateful day, and bless the souls of those who perished.

  3. Although not a coincidence, we had the same thoughts, I posted a photo on 'travelling' taken 12 years ago.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Julie and I were on Kauai where she was supposed to deliver a speech to a conference. That did not happen. Everyone stayed glued to their TVs.

  6. I don't think any of us will forget what we were doing on this day 10 years ago. United We Stand.

  7. A picture to treasure, let's pray that nothing like this happens anywhere in the world ever again! Wonderful tribute Sharon.

  8. Something devastating occurred all over the world that day!

  9. A wonderful photo and a tribute.

  10. We Will Never Forget ~ 09.11.2001, may God bless us as we heal from this American tragedy.

  11. Where did you take this picture from? I have a picture of you, standing on top of one of the towers, on my desk.
    I think most everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing on that fateful day.

  12. We will never ever forget the horror 10 years ago. May the innocent victims be at peace, their families find peace, world leaders continue to work for peace and God bless our military.

  13. Nice Photo...

    That was truly a very shocking moment. I remember turning on the TV and my jaw dropped. Very emotional.

    Have a good one.

  14. It has been interesting today to read our blogging friends' memories of that horrific day ten years ago. Thanks for sharing yours.
