Saturday, September 10, 2011

Let me eat cake....

My cake wasn't quite as tall as the one I pictured yesterday but, what it lacked in height it made up for in taste.  It was simply scrumptious!  Thanks to all my co-workers for the cake and thanks to all of my readers for the wonderful Birthday wishes!!  And thanks Marcella for sending me the photo!

I must also add special thanks to my very best friend David for arranging a fabulous dinner with great friends.  I had a wonderful time.  Birthdays are best enjoyed with great friends, good food and champagne.


  1. I like the way there's been a 'sort of' attempt at healthy with the fruit in the corner haha! What I would give for a slice of that cake right now Sharon. Glad you enjoyed your day!

  2. How wonderful it would be to spend an evening with David and Julie and your other great friends. Happy that it was a good celebration. And the cake does indeed look scrumptious. Champagne, too?!

  3. Yummy, scrumptious cake! Wishing you all the best for many more happy & healthy years! Bon anniversaire! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday, Sharon! Grattis pa fodelsedagen! O tanjobi ni omedito gozaimashita! Gratulerer med dagen!

  4. Ya, the cake looks d-lish hope your b-day was too! Happy Happy!

  5. Your office has a lot of spirit and you are obviously held in high regard. Kate incorrectly assumed that the David to which you referred was me, but I am glad that you had such a special evening with the other David, and Julie and I look forward to catching up with you soon.

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! Cake looks fabulous and I am so glad you had a great night :)

  7. So happy to hear that you had a great time. This looks like a cake from AJ's. I just love their cakes.

  8. Happy birthday! That cake looks delicious!!

  9. Totally decadent-looking cake! Sounds like you had a great day.

  10. Yum, now that is a great way to celebrate, friends, dinner, cake and champagne.

  11. Glad you had a nice day. The cake looks yummy. Too bad I'm allergic to chocolate.

  12. Happy Birthday. Sounds like a great day with a fabulous cake.

  13. So yummy! Glad you had a wonderful time, Sharon.

  14. Cheers! Glad you had a wonderful day.

  15. Outstanding, Sharon. I spent enough time in office environments to know that your colleagues only gave you such a warm birthday celebration because of the respect, regard and friendship they have for you.
