Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Returning to the City

Returning to Phoenix from the Flagstaff area was a bit of a challenge yesterday!  I'm glad I wasn't doing the driving.  What should have been a 2 hour drive took closer to 4.  I think lots of Phoenicians wanted to get out of the heat for the weekend.


  1. Holiday weekends up north is a great escape from the summer heat in Phoenix, but the traffic on the return to Phoenix can test the nerves. I think the solution should be to stay up north longer.

  2. I'll bet it felt good to be up there!

  3. Ah, yes! Traffic jams take a bit of an edge off a fine Labor Day week-end respite.

  4. I so hate this part of going out of town! Hope you had good company to pass the time.

  5. That sure is one long line of traffic Sharon, and so clear on the other side, good opportunity to crank the music up and sing out loud!!I hope you enjoyed your weekends away.

  6. It is the same scenario here every weekend with people returning to the city from their cottages! Horrible.

  7. Needs 3 lanes.. The price we pay to leave the city.

  8. Getting away was always a great time but come home in this was never fun.

  9. I have seen that sight more times than I care to remember. No fun!
