Saturday, August 20, 2011


Just outside the Phoenix Art Museum is this giant sculpture of a swimmer floating through and underwater obstacle.  I'm afraid I don't know the artist's name but, I have always admired this sculpture from a distance.


Karen Xavier said...

Ha! I like it... I thought it was Superman first. A really nice sculpture.

Kate said...

Most unusual. I'd like to see more of this sculptor's work.

Stefan Jansson said...


Birdman said...

I like it too.

Regina K said...

I like it also, it looks to be good sized.

Regina K said...

Sharon, I meant to say, the Hyatt was in my photo yesterday, the building with the circling restaurant on top. You have been everywhere...

irinapictures said...

Very interesting. He really looks swimming in the air.

Mo said...

I dont really associate swimming with your area. Maybe the artisit longs for more water.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I really like it too Sharon, it's such a clever idea.

Magpie said...

Is the swimmer turning to swim through the obstacle? There's something about the perspective that seems where the legs are. :)

Unknown said...

Very clever work, it's so well done. Fantastic!

RedPat said...

Such a strong piece! Nice one.

Anonymous said...

I like it too... some public art leaves me scratching my head, but I get this and I like the strength it portrays...

Randy said...

I'v always loved that sculpture.

Jack said...

There is a feeling of strength here.

Andrew said...

That is a very interesting looking sculpture for sure. Nice perspective Sharon!

Lowell said...

Minimalist but effective!