Monday, August 29, 2011

The Sun and The Moon

I recently checked the web site of artist Dale Chihuly and noticed that he had an installation in Arizona at the Glendale Foothills Library.  So, Saturday afternoon, I drove out to the library to see if I could find it.  Hanging in the entrance is this wonderful chandelier called "The Sun and The Moon".  The helpful woman at the information desk gave me an information sheet about the piece.  It is made of 1,123 individually hand blown pieces of glass and it took a three man crew from the Chihuly studio three days to install.  It weighs 2000 pounds.  It was commissioned by the city of Glendale for $200,000.  It is a wonderful piece!


  1. Wow! that is fabulous!

    (P.S. I love the Glendale library.)

  2. Wow, it does look wonderful. I love the fiery twirly glass bits that make up the sun... creative genius. Would be lovely to own one.

  3. I agree Sharon, it's fantastic, and when you pull the picture in close it looks amazing!!

  4. Most people driving to Glendale Saturday afternoon were going to the Cardinals football game Saturday evening, but it is not a surprise that you would e more interested in Chihuly than football.

    2,000 pounds! I hope they have a strong hook and wire.

  5. Like everything Chihuly designs and makes, it's a stunner. It is remarkably similar to a chandelier hanging in the foyer of the Minnieapolis Institute of Arts which is only one large piece without the moon. This one is lemon yellow and is equally stunning. When it was installed my grandson who was about 6 years old then and I watched the installation as one curved piece was attached from an array of boxes lining the floor beneath the chandelier. It has a neon (imagine!) light under all the curved glass. I love seeing it, and I think you were wise to drive out to see this one! Yup, thousands of pieces!!

  6. What a wonderful piece. I can so see the fiery intensity of the sun in it. Thanks for making the drive.

  7. I love Chihuly's designs but must admit I am not crazy about the moon in this one. The sun is fabulous.

  8. It looks fantastic. I'd love to see this one at night all lit up!

  9. So so beautiful. I really enjoyed the little Chihuly I saw in Tacoma last year!

  10. wow that sounds expensive!
    looks lovely though :)

  11. Wow and in a library, that is impressive.

  12. I can't believe the patience to create all of those pieces for this one chandelier

  13. Very cool curly glass! Reminds me of the similar one which hangs in the lobby of the Minneapolis Institute of Art!
