Monday, August 8, 2011

Home Again

It's a terrible photo taken through a rather dirty windshield but, it is my home again tribute to Phoenix.  As I was driving into town on Interstate 10, I grabbed the point and shoot camera and took this shot of the Phoenix skyline with one hand on the camera and one hand on the steering wheel. 


  1. I have often thought that the view from I-10 just east of I-17 provides a great vantage point of downtown Phoenix, but it is impossible to take a photo from the elevated highway. You proved me wrong.

    And while you were holding the wheel with your left hand and shooting the camera with your right hand, you operated the accelerator just right so that the main part of downtown would be framed between two cars traveling in the lanes to the right.

  2. Dave who is familiar with Phoenix made some succinct comments about how you photographed the skyline as you drove into town. I'd like to add that you are living dangerously with your camera in one hand!

  3. I have tried that technique when in backed up traffic. I find the best views on the highways. Welcome home

  4. A nice picture, shot in a way I like. I only hope the police doesn't read your blog ;-)

  5. gulp...your dedication is admirable but your life is more precious.

  6. Crazy photographers! And they think texting and driving is bad. hahaha

  7. I never figured you for a drive by shooter Sharon ha ha. Very nice for a one handed shot.

  8. Did you see that beautiful sunset that welcomed you home? I think you did a great job with your shooting on the fly.

  9. 'Drive by shooter' funny Randy!! Well done Sharon, you certainly did succeed in getting the city placed exactly between the two cars, not an easy thing whilst driving. Great shot. I agree the Lorikeets are so beautiful, I have many pictures of them splashing around in the bird bath in my back garden in the hot weather.

  10. Enjoyed your vacation photos and commentary. Great one-handed shot! Sorry to have missed those sunsets this year.

  11. Shame shame shame. I have done this far too often. We need to make a pact that from now on we will keep two hands on the wheel.

  12. Well you did a perfect framing job! Drive safely.
