Friday, June 17, 2011

Santa Fe Freight

The Santa Fe Freight Depot building is located in downtown Phoenix very near the old rail station.  It opened in 1929 and was a busy place where goods were received and shipped during the era of rail transport.  It sat vacant for over 40 years and was recently refurbished.  It now houses the offices of the Maricopa County Assessor.


  1. I like the looks of the exterior. Do you happen to get a chance to peek inside?

  2. It would be interesting to see the interior, if they have kept its original features.

    But going inside might not be a good idea. Who wants to increase their visibility to the Assessor's Office?

  3. Santa Fe for me is a magical name!

  4. Well, county assessor sure sounds dull compared to the building's original purpose, but at least it's not vacant anymore. I love the exterior and those jailed-looking windows western

  5. I agree with Stephanie. Depots often are such fine examples of architecture. So good to see this one repurposed.

  6. Glad the building is being reused, it's a lovely little façade.

  7. I absolutely love this building! It's kind of a cross between southwestern and art deco. My favorite. I'm glad they didn't destroy this beauty.

  8. That's a cool looking building! I love these small spots of history Arizona has.

  9. Gorgeous building. Glad they were smart and refurbished and put it to good use. Your title threw me off at first...thought I had stumbled on Randy's post. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Wonderful old building - glad it has ben refurbished!

  11. That's a good place to put the tax least from his point of view...if things get too tough, he can catch a freight out of town...oh, no he can't...they don't do that there anymore. Darn!

    I only wear a hat when playing golf and then it's a cap not a hat. Well, sometimes if I'm out in nature I'll put a cap on. My dad always wore a hat. And usually a suit. With tie. Even in Phoenix!

  12. What a wonderful building, it looks like a film set! Phoenix always looks so clean and spruce in your images :-).

  13. I like the geometry of the building very much.

  14. I am surprised to see a one story building in downtown Phoenix. It is an attractive building.
