Saturday, May 28, 2011

Encanto Palmcroft

Time for another house in one of our historic neighborhoods. This is from the Encanto-Palmcroft neighborhood. I love the striped awnings on this one.

To my readers: Google/Blogger has still not fixed the problem posting comments. I’ve noticed that I only have problems with comment pages that include the original post. Those with pop-up comment boxes or the comment page with nothing but the comments work okay. With the others, it is not recognizing that I am signed in. Yesterday I noticed that my “Followers” gadget is no longer working and I see that it isn’t working for many of you. I’ve never known blogger to take so long to find a solution. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.


  1. This home looks as if it would stay cool even on the hottest days.

  2. I share your frustration re. blogger...seems odd to have such significant problems these past few weeks.

    I would have no problems, however, living in this house. I especially like the greenery on the exterior wall, even knowing that perhaps that may not be good for the masonry.

  3. This is a very pretty place. If there is a swimming pool hidden behind the wall, I'm there!

    Yes, blogger has been frustrating. I changed my posting to pop-up as a partial cure, but my followers are also no longer following.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I like this house and had forgotten about the palm trees in Phoenix. They are so tall.

  5. It is unusual to see ivy growing in Phoenix. The green ivy complements the awnings, grass and shrubs very nicely. It has a much cooler look than if this house had desert landscaping.

  6. I'm struggling a bit too. Oh well, love the awnings too on this building.

  7. I love this style of home. The vines, railing and awnings add to the look. Nice one!

  8. I'm amazed at how I can love homes like these with clean, straight lines, but at the same time love Victorians with all their gingerbread. I'm a fickle creature.

  9. Love these historic neighborhoods in Phoenix. When I moved here forty some odd years ago, they were just neighborhoods. Wow!

  10. I could happily live there - nice one!

    Blogger seems to be ignoring all the problems - nothing is mentioned on the status page. And we have all lost our followers!

  11. This is quintessential Phoenix...lovely home in a very lovely neighborhood. And a nice photo, too!

    Blogger is really screwed. I mean, not just one problem, but a bunch. Very frustrating! They never seem to know enough to leave well enough alone!

  12. I like this house and the vine on the wall is a very lovely detail.
