Wednesday, March 2, 2011

St. Joseph

This is the main entrance to St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center.  I can see the buildings that make up this center from my back yard.  The hospital has served the Phoenix area for over 115 years it is ranked 8th in the nation in neurology and neurosurgery.


  1. And the garden is always planted with beautiful flowers. This is such a nice clear shot.

  2. The flower decorations are lovely!

  3. They always keep this garden area so nice.

  4. You really are right in the middle of things, aren't you? This entry way is attractive.

  5. This is a beautiful shot! I hope I never have to stay there though.

  6. What a lovely entrance-way! it's good to be close to the middle of the action in town.

  7. This is the hospital where my son was born...many years ago. :)
    Re: Home Security
    Sharon - you are so smart and have a good eye for detail. Yes, ma'am, I did shoot it at DBG!!!
    Sorry, there's no discount for being right. :) (Think Flo and Progressive)

  8. Now that place I remember. In fact, I believe I was taken there when I fell and broke my wrist roller skating back about 1951...

    A truly beautiful photo, Sharon!

  9. We have a St. Joseph's Hospital too, but I suppose that's probably pretty common. Good to know it's ranked 8th!

  10. The landscape around the statue is trim and well-designed.
