Monday, March 21, 2011

Palm Seeds

A large cluster of palm seeds.  Since these were located in a business district, they will probably just fall to the ground and make a bit of a mess for the gardener to clean up.  Some places harvest these for palm oil and crafts.


  1. Love to see these hanging on palm trees. The white and orange clusters are very eye-catching.

  2. they look like grapes. i wonder what palm oil tastes like

  3. They look superb. What a pity they are not used for a local oil.

  4. i hope these provide food for birds or other critters.

  5. Fascinating image; now I have to google this bit of information so I can learn more. Gee, blogging is getting almost like homework!!

  6. I wonder if birds eat the seeds. The picture is great.

  7. They look like clusters of small little grapes.

  8. Hmmm. I haven't noticed these on the palm trees in Florida. But I think the yard workers there pull anything "unsightly" off before they develop very far. I think it is getting a bit too manicured for my taste.

  9. I have never seen these before! I don't think I ever thought about where palm oil came from!

  10. That is one thing that makes me happy that we don't have palm trees here. Great shot!

  11. Oh boy, I hate these things!!! We had four palm trees hanging over our pool at the Ocala house. We had to trim them at least twice a year - very expensive. I couldn't do it, they were too tall!

    If we didn't get them trimmed on time, we had these darn black berries all over the pool area and in the pool causing terrible stains which were very difficult to remove.

    It was a nightmare! You are so right about making "a bit of a mess"!

  12. I thought they were grapes too.

  13. These palms must be really healthy when one looks at these dates! A beautiful picture!
