Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Birds

I had visions of the old Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds” when I saw these birds gathered in a tree across the street from my house. 

They gave me a bit of a start when they started to fly right toward me while I was taking pictures.


  1. At least they flew off and not at you like the pigeons here do.

  2. Scary photo as the Hitchcock movie was too.

  3. We have a huge flock of crows around here that swoop through the sky several times a day and they definitely can be a bit intimidating.

  4. Scary, because of Hitchcock, but what elegant images they make.

  5. I once withstood the charge directly at me by a ferocious hummingbird.

  6. you need the eerie music to play with these photos

  7. Are you still in the phone booth? We'll send someone for you just wait there. That is alot of birds.

  8. I often wonder why birds flock like that instead of spreading out. You would think they have to compete harder for food when their buddy is two feet away.

  9. That is a lot of birds. Strange though, it looks like they are not all "of a feather". Looks like some starlings in with grackles. I would bet it was noisy.

  10. I just finished a book that made mention of the town where Hitchcock filmed that movie...and now this...I guess I better rent that movie. ;O)

  11. Anyone who's seen the movie would get startled! But you must have stood your ground to get these cool shots.

    I remember at one of the Service Plazas on the Florida Turnpike, crows attacked me when I walked under a tree...and they kept coming! Kinda scary!

    Ah, what is pole dancing? ;-)

  12. It's amazing how the images from that movie have stayed in so many minds. Spooky stuff!

  13. Love Hitchcock stuff, but this particular movie troubles me. Always has. I think the sound of the wings flapping all at once has a lot to do with it for me.

  14. Nice silhouette they made. That's funny, I've been eyeing a line of birds myself on my way to work, I just need to make time to stop to take the pic!

  15. I wonder how long ago Hitchcock made that movie? Seems as though a number of bloggers have seen it. It reminds me more of the curious incident recently when thousands of crows in Arkansas fell from the sky. Theory is that they died from trauma after being frightened by fireworks on New Year's eve. Odd! But your photos are not odd; very lovely.

  16. Definitely 'The Birds'! Well spotted.
