Monday, December 27, 2010

Pop-Up Gallery

While I was at the Town & Country Shopping Center I discovered this Pop-Up art Gallery.  These pop-up galleries appear from time to time in vacant stores around town.  Sometimes they are there for 2 weeks and sometimes they are around for 2 months.  It just depends on the owner of the buildings and how long the space is vacant.  It’s always fun to discover one and browse around the interesting art.


  1. I love this concept, Pop-up Gallery. I wonder if you've ever bought something in one.

  2. I love those. One never knows what can be found. Great shot.

  3. Isn't it a wonder that pop-up galleries aren't more common? Nothing is more depressing than a stoerfront sitting empty for months. Some life and activity makes it more vibrant.

  4. We both have a gallery posted today! We get these pop-ups too and I always miss them when they go.

  5. pop-ups are popping up everywhere here too. A great concept

  6. I'm always learning something new! I've never seen one of these, but then I live way out west in the boonies. :) I need to get into the big city more often obviously there's fun things a happening. :)

  7. I like the idea of pop-up galleries very much.

  8. It's a great way for artists to get some exposure for their work. This one looks quite large!

  9. I've not heard of such - pop-up art galleries, but it's a super idea and I would love to see such here!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your friends...and I hope they appreciated that delightful table you set!
