Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Horse

I took a little drive yesterday to seek out some interesting shots.  I ended up on Fifth Avenue in Scottsdale which was full of tourists out in shorts and t-shirts enjoying the Arizona sunshine.  I noticed that the horses in the Bob Park’s Horse Fountain were all wearing their holiday attire. 


  1. shorts and t-shirts??!!!! i had to drive under 20 mph yesterday to avoid fishtailing into other cars.

  2. I love when they decorate these horses.

  3. You know I love this shot! The HORSE, the palms the sky. Oh, did I mention the HORSE? Hope you show the whole fountain too!

  4. Maybe he's getting ready to audition for one of the reindeer's roles! Earlier this morning my mom and I spotted a herd of deer, nine does and fawns, grazing in our meadow behind the house!

  5. Looks like a winner's wreath to me! Nice shot ... I thought you had come to visit Florida! ;-)

  6. That is a nice one, Sharon. A winner's wreath, like Jacob said.

  7. Fun shot! I hope you show us the whole fountain with all the horses.

  8. The way statues are decorated always amuses me! Does this steed immortalize a particular horse?
