Sunday, December 12, 2010


Last night I joined friends for a Luminarias Night at the Desert Botanical Garden.  It was a perfect night, great friends and beautiful weather.  A good way to get the holiday season rolling.


  1. This looks so more inviting than the aftermath of our 15.2 deposit of snow during the blizzard. Such a pretty sight on a clear evening.

  2. It was a delightful evening, but a challenge to photograph. I like the perspective of the long walkway outlined by the luminarias in your photo.

  3. This photo takes «Louis» back to his childhood. His mother used to decorate the walk leading to the front door with luminarias each Christmas.

  4. The best place to see these. I also enjoyed the Christmas Eve lighting in the Willo district.

  5. Sounds like a nice evening and the picture is very pretty.

  6. Gorgeous. It's really only been in the last 25-30 years or so that luminaries have become popular in this country. Some I think at chintzy but these are quite elegant.

    Thanks for your comment about my mom. And you're right about the photos...I remember asking my dad once why their pictures always showed them next to a car. He said that those old cars had a flat about every 100 miles and they always too a picture when they stopped to fix it!

    Have a great week!

  7. Lovely photo - 1 of my fondest memories is going to a friends for dinner after we got about 10" of snow and they had set out luminaries - it was a magical sight!

  8. Nice perspective. I does look like a lovely night.

  9. Nice photograph. I'll bet it was fun strolling around by luminaria-light.

  10. It looks just great at night too.
