Wednesday, November 10, 2010


A vast array of pottery graces the front porch of this house.


  1. I see that they have a sign for a burglary alarm company in their yard. Apparently they trust that no on e will steal their pottery.

  2. Hope no one every falls on them. Love the trim color on the house.

  3. It's all about color, I think. The pottery adds to the pretty color trim and the bright door.

  4. Hi! out of hospital and surgery successful, but it is not a walk in the park. At library, pecking with one finger. Really pushing myself in all areas. Need to buy a computer since my old one crashed...with all my photos.
    i will post comments whenever i can...really miss you guys!

  5. Obviously not a big market for stolen pottery! Nice capture.

  6. Reminds me of Mae West's comment that Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. Of course, that begs the two questions whether this pottery is a good thing and whether the overall effect is wonderful. Let's just call it Interesting.
