Thursday, September 9, 2010

Frequent Guest

I just had to show you one more photo of one of the peach-faced love birds that have been frequenting my yard lately. With my new telephoto lens, I’m able to snap a few good shots without scaring them off.


  1. Excellent bird photo. I like all the green tones here. I have a bench from where I can sit and shoot with my zoom lens. Great fun it is.

  2. Happy Birthday, Sharon. May you day be filled with lots of love and much joy. (Mine's on Saturday, and I intend to have a birthday week!)

    You brought me joy this morning with the picture of this beautiful wild bird. Thanks! And a new lens...wonderful!

  3. Hoping that this peach love bird came to wish you a Happy birthday!
    Best wishes.

  4. Happy Birthday, Sharon! Best wishes from me too.
    Beautiful bird and great shot.

  5. Happy Birthday Sharon. Wishing you all the love and happiness that your heart can hold today and always! Cute visitor you have there!

  6. Nice! I can't wait to tell my husband I need a new lens. :-) These little birds are so cute. Do they stay through the winter?

  7. Love this bird shot!! I want some of these to come to my yard but they wouldn't like the fact that it was 48f degrees outside when I got up.
    Happy Birthday!!

  8. A super shot! Great colors and very sharp. We had bunches of green parrots in South Florida ... they became a nuisance and were very loud...

    And a reliable source mentioned that today was a special day for you, so I shall add my Happy Birthday wishes! Hope everything goes your way, today, and always!

  9. These are such pretty little birds, and loud too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  10. Happy Birthday! This is a wonderful shot...the new lens is complimenting your skills nicely.

  11. What a great shot, Sharon. There is a website where you can see where the peach-faced love birds have been spotted in Phoenix and they're been within two blocks of my home but all I have here are pigeons! This fellow looks like he might be perched in a eucalyptus tree. He is just beautiful! I hope you take even more pics of these lovely birds to share with us!
