Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Ultimate Rock Garden

This rock garden is so huge I couldn’t even see the house.


  1. There's a house? Are you ever going to tell us where/what/who it is?

  2. Wow! I can't imagine all the time and work that went into this. As you scan around the pictures, new little things pop out at you.

  3. This is unbelievable. It reminds me of the Watts Towers, which were considered one man's junkyard at the time but which are now part of the National Park system.

    You can tell this is a not in a neighborhood with a home owner's association and a architectural review committee to endorce covenants, conditions and restrictions.

  4. Very strange. That must have taken years to build. You find some great stuff.

  5. Really unique! Makes me curious about the person or persons who produced this.

  6. This is unbelievable! I have a book, 'Fantasy World', with the most weird/unusual private constructions around the world and I think this one should also be in this book.
