Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Entrance to Phoenix Zoo

After my second camera class, I decided to make a quick trip to the Phoenix Zoo to practice with my camera. This is the bridge that is both the entrance and exit for the Zoo. The huge globe is located above the entrance arch. Now you can see where I took yesterday’s photo. In fact, if you look closely, that bird is sitting right on top of the globe. By the time I got close enough to snap the shot, he had walked across Siberia.

I only spent about 90 minutes at the zoo. It was so crowded that I decided to wait and come back on a quiet day. We had temperatures reaching 76 degrees (about 25 Celsius) in Phoenix so everyone was out enjoying the perfect weather.

The Phoenix Zoo is another Phoenix Point of Pride.


  1. Yes think I would rather do a zoo visit on a quiet day. Would love some of that warmth. London is having freaky weather. Now they a re saying a 1 in 50 yr occurence

  2. Your photos of bright, sunny, warm Phoenix in the middle of the winter are taunting people who live on most of the northern hemisphere shown on that giant globe.

  3. I envy you now! I can see people wearing bermudas and T-shirts while we are having some bad weather here... it's not very cold but it's raining and everything looks grey!

  4. A fitting entrance to a zoo with animals from all over the globe.

  5. The globe must be new. Or maybe it's been a long time since I've been to the zoo.

    I, always like the turtles on the logs in the river below.

  6. Thank you so much for reminding me that the artist with the birch trees and appaloosas is Bev Doolittle!!

  7. I love this time of year in Arizona. It's perfect for outings such as the zoo. It's already pretty warm here - maybe it just seems warmer because of what I have to wear when I'm out in public!!! Glad to hear you are having fun with your new camera.
