Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It’s getting to be the time of year when flowers are popping out all over. African daisies are widely used in landscape décor here in the Phoenix area and when they start to bloom they create a sea of yellow, orange and gold everywhere they appear. This is a house just down the street from me. Every year at this time, this yard and a few others in the neighborhood are covered in a kaleidoscope of color and texture.

I love this time of year in Phoenix. The weather is just about perfect, there is color everywhere, and the whole city looks fresh and new.


  1. That splash of yellow is so gorgeous! Now why do I associate those little flowers with autumn?

  2. Amazing amount of yellow! Just lovely!

  3. thank you for the bouquet of yellow flowers to start my day today!

  4. A nice follow up to your post of a bud yesterday.

  5. Wow! That is gorgeous! We have nothing blooming yet. Looks like you have the new camera mastered already.

  6. Only in Phoenix. I love these little flowers the way they open and than close up in the evenings.

  7. My favorite time of year also. The first time I visited Phoenix I saw these beautiful daisies. Thay do make a spectacular showing.
