Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Today we Americans celebrate our own version of the “changing of the guard”. Our new president may be making history because of his race but, it is his intelligence, logic, and pragmatism that has made me and may others hopeful.

President Obama is taking office at a time when our soldiers are fighting wars in two countries, our standing in the world is at the lowest point ever, and our economy is in shambles and slipping further into disaster every day. That is a lot for one man to deal with, even one as capable and talented as President Obama is. It will take all of us in the United States to make this country great again.

With this new beginning, I am hoping that our leaders guide us in a new direction, a direction where greed is no longer the standard for success, where intelligence is no longer considered ‘elite’, and where quality and affordable health care is available to everyone. It would also be great if along the way we could learn that fighting terror can’t be done with guns and bombs and that all natural resources should be preserved.

So America….let’s roll!


  1. Thoughtful comments which pretty much sums up what is occurring in our country right now. I fear, however, that too much is expected of one man so we all need to work together. I wonder how long Obama's "honeymoon" will last?

  2. Yes! I'll be watching it from 4pm(UTC) on! Glad the day looks great in Washington (apart from the cold!!!) :-)

  3. Today is a history-making day. Great photo and now let's all turn to the inauguration activities

  4. A lovely post, Sharon. You are so right, Obama transcends race. We see him as the intelligent, cultured, charismatic and thoughtful man he is and whilst he is the first African-American to be President (and hooray for that!) he's a helluva man, white, black or pink. It's a GREAT GREAT day for America and for the world. Hope at last.

  5. How ironic that you would observe the inauguration of President Obama with a collection of books about him. Are you suggesting that these books would make good reading for ex-President Bush in his retirement? Nah.

  6. Just been watching the ceremony on TV. Good speech..
    Good approach to the topic.

  7. I am so filled with joy. May God bless this man. I cried all the way into work listening to the radio and can't stop!!

  8. Great photo for this historic day in our nations history.

  9. A huge day.....we watched much of it on TV here in Sydney, but not the actual inauguration - it was on at 3:30am! One Sydney-sider celebrates Barack Obama’s inauguration by tinkling the ivories
