Monday, January 19, 2009

I’m celebrating

I have something to celebrate. I now own a brand new Sony Alpha 200 DSLR with an 18 X 70 lens. It is probably not as grand as some of my fellow bloggers use but, it is a big step above my little Lumix point and shoot camera. So this is the first picture I am posting that has been taken with the new camera. Next week I will start taking some classes to learn how to use my new toy properly. I can hardly wait. Jilly, can you figure out who I was celebrating with?


  1. Congratulations!
    Looking forward to brand-new photos in your blog! I believe they'll be as sparkling as today's one :)

  2. Sharon, I noticed in the portal right away! I KNOW who you were celebrating with! Wonderful. And congratulations on your new camera. I so wish we had classes here but so far I've not found any, so I continue with my Lumix and am lucky to have a fellow blogger who kindly gives me lots of advice.

    Looking forward to seeing your new photos. And say Hello to those Costa Ricans, for me! Hmmmm, wish I were there sipping that champers with you and out of those glasses.

  3. I guessed who you were with also, those glasses are the only clue I needed.

  4. How exciting!! Congratulations and have fun with it.

  5. Ah, the joy of a new camera. Love the first picture post.

  6. Sharon,

    It was an honor to host you for some of your first photos with your new camera and to celebrate the occasion with some champagne in teh angel glasses.

    My new camera toy is a camera that works underwater. When I go out for some snorkeling, I will have to try it out and, hoepfully, post some photos thereafter. It may be awhile, as I will probably wait until my son Stuart cmoes down from Scottsdale to Costa Rica in May before I do adventurous things in the ocean. He wants to go deep sea fishing.

    In the meantime, we will look forward to continuing to enjoy your photos on Phoenix Daily Photo.

  7. Congratulations, Sharon! I'm sure you will love your new camera. Eventually you'll want to add another lense, I'm sure. I miss my SLR - it wasn't digital but took great photos.

  8. Lumix? I just bought one. My camera got lifted out of my SUV and I needed a replacement.

  9. Congratulations Sharon! You will love your new camera. You and Dave have motivated me to get my website in action so check it out at I took photos all weekend at many Scottsdale activities. TTYL

  10. Congratulations Sharon! You will love your new camera. You and Dave have motivated me to get my website in action so check it out at I took photos all weekend at many Scottsdale activities. TTYL

  11. Yay for that new camera!!! I can't wait to see all of the pictures you take with it.
