Sunday, January 25, 2009

In case you were wondering

Lest you feel lost, this marker has been placed on the sidewalk at one of the light rail stations.


  1. I am glad that the new transit system tells you where "here" is, but I suspect that most people waiting at a transit station would rather know if they can get "there" from "here."

    Maybe they will install another marker that instead of telling you that you are "here," asks "Why are you here?"

  2. Well, who needs a map when you have this?

  3. I hope you can't read it from a distance. It would get confusing.

  4. Yes but where's 'here'? If I didn't know that I'd find this sign annoying! Funny photo.

  5. Forget the directionals, who's the eye model??? Yikes! Hand that person some moisturizer!

  6. It doesn't look very helpful, but it's true enough. Let's call it conceptual art :-)

  7. This is very bizarre, and reminds me of a specific detail from a specific Philip K. Dick novel. I suspect the designer is a fan.
