Sunday, November 10, 2024

The COVID Coat


I recently visited the Phoenix Art Museum to see two new exhibits.  One of the exhibits was all about the art of fashion and a recognition of The Arizona Costume Institute which has been a part of the museum since 1966.  This coat was a recent museum purchase with funds from a special endowment for fashion items. It immediately caught my eye when I entered the gallery. 

I decided to include a photo of the description information so you could read the museum's description.

I have to admit, it is an interesting concept in an artistic way.  It certainly isn't something anyone would actually wear.  Or is it?


  1. Victor and Rolf are a wellknown couple here with funny ideas.

  2. There are some people who would wear it, not I

  3. It would be a statement to wear, for sure, but it might be hard to sit down!

  4. It certainly puts out the message to "leave me alone".

  5. Wow...that is an eye-catching exhibit. I like all the symbolism it offers.

  6. Wow, whoever wears this, you probably don't want to know.

  7. I think it represents what went on with Covid perfectly.
