Friday, September 6, 2024

Watching the Clouds


We've experienced a long, hot summer here in the desert.  This last week we passed over 100 days of over 100 degree temperatures.  Predictions say that this heat will continue for at least another two to three weeks.

Usually during the summer months we experience a series of monsoon storms that help to cool the air down.  This year we've had a lot less and here in the city center, hardly any rain at all.

I keep watching the skies for those clouds to build up but besides a few pretty cloud formations, not much has occurred.  


  1. The 2nd cloud looks like some kind of creature, Sharon.
    Try to stay cool.

  2. That's a lot of hot weather to experience. Stay cool.

  3. Will the heat ever reduce the number of people who live there?

  4. Spectacular skies. 100 over 100 is a challenging weather statistic for sure. Stay cool!

  5. I love watching clouds drifting across the sky. One of the most relaxing things to do.

  6. Toronto saw its rainiest summer ever recorded.

  7. On a global level we've had the warmest summer on record, I was just reading yesterday -- driven partly by the extreme heat in the American southwest.
