Thursday, September 5, 2024

Unique Sandwich Shop


There is a little sandwich shop just down the street from me.  It's so close, I can walk there (when it's a bit cooler).  The shop is called Zookz.  The unique twist to the sandwiches is that they are round and cooked in a special round grilling contraption.

They serve all kinds of combinations.  This one was chicken sandwich with a Mexican twist.

This one was a roast beef with peppers, tomatoes and cheese.  It's a clever way to grill a sandwich.  They do make some very tasty combinations.  


roentare said...

That looks like an awesome pie!

RedPat said...

They look and sound delicious, Sharon.

Travel said...

A fun idea.

Bill said...

Looks absolutely delicious.

Aimz said...

That looks like an interesting place to eat, the food looks nice.