Friday, September 20, 2024

A Little Rustic Corner


I stopped at a plant nursery on the other side of town over the weekend.  I haven't visited this place in several years but I remembered that they had a huge selection of pottery so I decided to take a look.  After admiring a large array of seasonal pottery, I saw this little corner and thought there was something attractive about its rustic quality.  (I'll post photos of some of the pottery I saw closer to Halloween.)

I ran the same photo through some editing processes to see how it would turn out.  I liked this one the best.  At first I thought it looked like a Mediterranean scene but then thought it had an alien quality.  

I'm flying off today to spend a few days in Chicago.  If all goes well, I'll be posting from there tomorrow.  


Travel said...

Enjoy Chicago, I like the golden splendor version.

Diaday said...

Looking forward to your Chicago adventures and photos! Safe travels, have fun.

RedPat said...

The 2nd shot looks so exotic. Have fun on your trip, Sharon.