Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Making An Early Appearance


To me, it seems a bit early to have all the Halloween decorations out on display.  Maybe this is because we desert dwellers are trying to push the seasons along.  We are getting pretty tired of 100 degree temperatures.  

A week ago, I was watching the weather predictions which said that by Sunday, we would drop below 100 and the morning temperatures would be in the 70's.  I was hoping to go for a walk at the garden.  However, as the week progressed, the temperatures kept creeping up.  It ended up to be101 on Sunday.  Now they are saying it will start dropping tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!


  1. It feels way too early to me too, Sharon. We are having warmer than normal temps here but only in the mid to high 20s (˚C). It has been nice.

  2. When will Christmas decorations start to appear in the stores.

  3. Too early!!!! Even for Canadian standards. : )

  4. Way too early. :) We are experiencing some warm temps this week 22c and lots of sun, a change for us.

  5. Sorry to hear about the heat. It is the new normal.

  6. Waaaaay too early! I decorated the library for Halloween last year at the beginning of October, and my co-workers thought even THAT was too early.
