Friday, September 13, 2024

Another Beadle Building


This is another Al Beadle building.  I missed it on that day I drove around looking for his buildings.  I happened to be in the neighborhood a few days ago so I finally got the photos.

This one is an office building built up on a platform with the space below open.  The interesting thing I learned about this one is about those diagonal windows.  This is the only one of his buildings with that type a window.  I learned that he was aware that the city would never bury the power lines (seen all the way to the right).  He decided to incorporate the angle of the guylines anchoring the huge power pole into the building's design.  Unfortunately when I took this photo, I failed to get those lines in the shot.

However, I found a photo on line.  Those lines match the line of the windows perfectly.  Very clever!


Travel said...

Lots of covered parking under the building.

RedPat said...

That is an unusual one, Sharon. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Diaday said...

You're beelining to Beadle buildings!

Stefan Jansson said...


Aimz said...

Its different and stands out.

Steve Reed said...

What an interesting way to respond to the guywires! Are the columns beneath the building at an angle too? It sort of looks like it in the first shot, but maybe it's an optical illusion.

Sharon said...

I see what you mean but no, they are straight.