Sunday, August 11, 2024

One Lexington


Fourteen years ago (wow, has it really been that long?) I posted a view from this building called One Lexington.  At that time, my boss in a past job had a condo in this building which started life as an office building and was converted to condos in 2010.  During the 2020 lock-down, I posted a few more photos that were in my archives.  When I was driving around the area a week ago, I saw this view of the building and thought I should post a photo showing the whole building.  You can see  those penthouse apartments where I took those old photos at the very top of this building.  I wonder who owns that penthouse now.


RedPat said...

It is a fine looking building, Sharon.

Travel said...

Many more office buildings to be converted to apartments.

Catarina said...

Who is the lucky owner of that place? I am wondering as well.

Bill said...

Must have a very nice view from up there.

roentare said...

Yeah, the last 4 years have passed particularly fast for me too

Steve Reed said...

Looks like a great building, from both inside and out!