Friday, July 12, 2024

That Retro Bar


Last Saturday evening, I had dinner with friends visiting from Chicago at a restaurant I hadn't been to in two years.  It's a place called Valentine and the last time I was there was for brunch.  The owner gave us a tour of the bar area that is only open in the evenings.  I was struck by the turn tables for playing music from LP's.  I posted about it here.  This time I got to see those turn tables in action.  The background music for the bar was coming from these two record players.

The bar itself was fun too.  They served very inventive drinks and you can see from all those jars, they make some of their own infused liquors.  They had some unusual combinations that included all kinds of herbs, fruits, vegetables and even woods.  I had an Arizona Gin & Tonic that was made with house-made elderflower infused tonic.  It was great!


roentare said...

A nice place to do the tasting!

Travel said...

There is a lot creativity there.

RedPat said...

Sounds like a cool place, Sharon.

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha, a really cool place.

Bill said...

A very creative and cool place to visit.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for showing us! Aloha

Spare Parts and Pics said...

This place looks dangerous to me😉 I love vinyl and turntables, not to mention an innovative bar. I would have a hard time leaving!!

Diaday said...

What a fun place! I love the creativity with cocktails - the dried fruits, the little smokers, and the blends of alcohols. Your Arizona G&T sounds delightful.

Steve Reed said...

The theme from "Shaft"! That would be fun background music in a bar.

William Kendall said...

Looks appealing.