Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Home to Monsoon Storms


I flew home yesterday evening and was buffeted a bit by heavy skies and lots of wind.  My flight was delayed because of a ground hold in Phoenix due to a dust storm that later turned into a thunderstorm.  

I know this sounds crazy but I really enjoy flying above and through storms.  The clouds from above are always spectacular and there is so much swirling activity as you fly through the clouds.

I captured this cloudy sunset as we approached the airport.  The last 5 minutes were a little bumpy but I've experienced way worse.  The best part was that it was only 92 degrees when we landed in Phoenix.  That's cool for July!


  1. I don't like storms, they are rather scary here lately and frequent helas.

  2. I have flown over thunderstorms a few times, once at night. Welcome home.

  3. I am a nervous flyer so would not have enjoyed that flight, Sharon.

  4. I don't like a lot of turbulence either but at least you made it home safe.

  5. Been a while since I ended up in really bad weather. Nice shots here.

  6. I don't mind flying above a storm but I'd rather not be IN one.
