Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Architectural Table & Chair


I always make a point of visiting the Laguna Beach Art Museum whenever I visit California and this time was no exception.  Above is a piece of art that surprised me because that very exotic looking table and chair was created by Frank Gehry, the famous architect.  It was created in 1970 and is made from cardboard and masonite.  It's wild looking just like many of his unique buildings!

The Laguna Beach Art Museum specializes in California artists or art that was made in California.  The show that was on this time was called "On the Edge: Los Angeles Art from the Joan and Jack Quinn Family Collection."  That's Joan and Jack in the photo above, inside their art-filled home.  Here's a quote from the exhibit:

"Few individuals have left such an indelible mark on the landscape of Southern California as Joan and Jack Quinn.  Joan has played both muse and promoter of artists and Jack used his skills as a prominent and influential attorney to help emerging artists and their dealers navigate the worlds of law and business."

One part of the exhibit was a series of portraits of Joan.  It was interesting to see how the different artists depicted her and the artistic styles they each used.  The one to the left was made by David Hockney and is described as a polaroid and Xerox collage.  

The Quinn's were quite the collectors.  It was a huge exhibit with hundreds of paintings, sculptures and photographs.  I bet they were fun people to know.  


  1. That wooden sculpture looks so very unique

  2. I would have enjoyed this exhibit too, Sharon.

  3. Their home looks like a wonderful cluttered space, I would feel so at home there.

  4. They definitely had a colorful house!

  5. Yes, Frank Gehry has quite a few unique buildings. When we visited my niece at MIT, we walked past Gehry's Stata Center. It looks like a very crooked house!

  6. I like the table and chair, it's so unique.

  7. The museum is the kind of place I like to visit. Kudos to the collecting couple, but they can keep the Gehry table and chair.
