Saturday, June 1, 2024

Theme Day: Outdoor Cafes


The outdoor dining spot at my favorite local Mexican restaurant is usually packed with people.  I just happened to be there when the temperature hit 103 degrees so everyone was dining inside instead.  However, this is a great place to enjoy the tasty food when the weather is nice.  So many of you are just beginning your outdoor dining experiences.  Here in the desert, we have put them on hold for the summer months.

The City Daily Photo Bloggers theme for June 1st is Outdoor Cafes.  To see more of them, click here.


roentare said...

original and looking wonderful

Travel said...

Three weeks of mostly eating outside, it was wonderful.

Catarina said...

That is a lovely place.
40 degrees Celsius!!! Unbearable!

RedPat said...

That looks like a nice place but it is hard for me to imagine those temperatures, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

But it's a dry heat!