Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Blooms


One day when I was picking up my mail, I noticed that the two trees growing under the entrance cover had pink blooms at the very top of them.  I decided I should get a photo of the pretty blooms.  I also noticed that there were two shrub-like plants in the front of the complex that were blooming with white flowers.  So on my mission to photograph the pink flowers, I photographed the white ones too.

I had no idea what they were.  It turns out they are both crepe myrtle, just two different varieties.  So many plants here stop blooming during our summer heat months so these two are a treat to see.  


  1. Those grow in a wide span of climates, we have them here, I grew them in Florida.

  2. They look like Myrtles. There are 5000 species worldwide, in Australia we have 1500 different species.
