Friday, June 21, 2024

No Climbing on the Elk


When I was at the Town and Country shopping center to photograph the Phoenix Bird, I discovered this fellow in front of the Twin Peaks Brewery.  This place is tucked away back in the corner of the center where I seldom go so I had not seen him before.  

It looks like he's about to snatch a bite of the tree limb.

Maybe he's just howling because it's hot out there.  


Travel said...

Are there scenic views to be had?

RedPat said...

He looks quite regal, Sharon.

Bill said...

I can see kids wanting to climb the elk.

Steve Reed said...

I'd climb on the elk just because they told me not to.

Diaday said...

Someone might get a little burn from that hot metal!

roentare said...

It does look like it is about to bite the tree branches

Jack said...

My granddaughters would be disappointed. They want to climb on everything in sight.

Gemel said...

Fabulous sculpture.