Thursday, June 13, 2024

Five Buffalo and One Penguin


One thing I noticed right away upon arriving in Oklahoma City was an abundance of buffalo roaming the streets of the city.  Well, not exactly 'roaming'.  More like standing at attention in a variety of places.  This one was in front of an office building.

This one was standing in front of my hotel.

And this fellow was standing in the water feature in the lobby of my hotel.

This colorful buffalo was standing in front of the Sheraton Hotel across the street.

The Buffalo nickel was found in the historic entertainment district called "Bricktown".  All of these fellows were part of an art project called Spirit of the Buffalo and sponsored by the Oklahoma Nature Conservancy.  The project went from 2004 to 2006 so these artistic buffalo have been standing around the city for a long time now.

This colorfully painted penguin was not the least bit intimidated by all the buffalo.  He stood proudly showing off his colorful design.

He waddled all the way from Tulsa where he was part of a "Penguins on Parade" project  sponsored by the Tulsa Zoo.


  1. What a great Penguin! I love the city art project animals.

  2. The buffaloes have lasted really well, Sharon.

  3. The buffaloes look amazing around the city. The blue penquin really stands out and is a beauty.

  4. I almost thought the top buffalo had a painted on pair of jeans at first.

  5. I like all the buffalo statues, and very appropriate for the region.

  6. I do like the buffalo. The penguin seems a bit out of place! (Then again, it would in Tulsa, too.)
