Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Canary Date Palms


If I turn around from where I was standing when I took the photos in yesterday's post, I see two very large Canary Date Palms.

The palms shade this are quite nicely.  It's another benefit of this little garden space.

When I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of this little garden spot, I sometimes play around with the the camera trying to get some interesting shots through the palm fronds.  This time I got a very nice sun glare.  


  1. The date palms are looking gorgeous

  2. They look like they must be fairly old, Sharon.

  3. I like the red walls. They provide an interesting background. And yes, the sun through the fronds is great!

  4. Those are massive, we have them here and their spiky leaves sure hurt when they ping the skin.
