Friday, May 10, 2024

Ancient Ceramics From Central America


I mentioned last Friday that I'd show you some more of the ancient ceramic pieces I saw at the Tucson Art Museum.  

This one was my favorite.  I'm  not quite sure what it is about this one that I find so fascinating.  It is so beautifully detailed and well preserved.

It was described as a Standing Male Dignitary found in Veracruz Mexico.  It dates between 400 and 800 AD.  See what I mean about "well preserved"?

This fellow is described as a seated male orator with raised hands.  It dates to 300 AD.  He looks like he's telling a story.

Here is an athlete.  It's described as a ballplayer and dates between 100 and 300 AD.  Another beautifully preserved piece.

One thing I found interesting about all of the figures in these displays were how elongated the faces were on all of them except the one in the top photo (above).  That top figure has a completely different look.  


  1. The top one is wonderful and it is amazing that there don't seem to be any little chips out of all the sharp corners it has. It has been really well take care of for its whole life, Sharon.

  2. I have a friend who specializes in precolumbian pottery.

  3. Yeah, you can definitely see the similarity between the bottom two. Are they from a different culture than the top one, maybe? It's fascinating to see the clothing and jewelry worn back then.

  4. I like them all, the top one kind of looks like he's about to sneeze.
