Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Little Mystery


When I was at the University of Arizona Art Museum in Tucson last week, I fell in love with this painting.  I love the abstract style and the bright colors.  Reading the information card, I found a bit of a mystery.  Not a big mystery like the one for the Willem de Kooning painting I mentioned two days ago, just a little mystery.  You see, the card said the artist was Minda Hess with a birth date of 1906 but a question mark was in place of a date of death.  It said she was a native of Baltimore and that she studied with Morris Louis known for something called Color Field Painting.  

I was curious as to how such a talented artist could leave this earth with no record of her passing.  I did some online research and could find no other information about her except that the top price for any of her art was $1000.00.  

I like her painting so much, I made it my current "wallpaper" on my iPhone.  She may have faded away from the art world's records but, I'll remember her.


  1. I really like her work too, Sharon. I have noticed in the past that your taste in art is very similar to mine. ;-)

  2. Indeed I am falling for the painting too

  3. I really like it, reminds me of a garden full of wildflowers.

  4. BEAUTIFUL painting. Really really nice.
